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gathering weekly to

study the bible, cultivate a prayer life, develop friendships, be accountable, and get rooted.

bible reading &

scripture memory

Each Discipleship group works their way though a Bible reading plan that is sure to give them a great overview of the scriptures. We believe that Bible literacy is important for all Christians. Its not enough to simply here what others have to say about particular passages, we want to encourage one another to seek God in the Scriptures ourselves.


Not only do we spend time reading, we also practice hiding God's word in our hearts through Scripture memory!



The art of Journaling is the practice of expectation. Every time we open the Bible we expect to hear from God. We are constantly learning and want to make sure we are penning the lessons the Lord is teaching us.


As we H.E.A.R. from God, we:

H-ighlight what sticks out to us...

E-xplain what taking place in context...

A-pply it to our lives...

R-espond to what God's speaking to us...

accountable relationships

In so many ways, Discipleship is about relationships. We kick off each gathering with our "blessings and confessions" of the week. Because groups are gender specific and don't change for the entire season we've committed to, these conversations go beyond the surface. We cultivate a judgement free environment of confidentiality in which we  encourage, exhort, challenge, and hold one another accountable.


Our relationships go beyond the hour long coffee meet up. We text, call, and hang out throughout the week as well.



Pray changes everything. Prayer softens hearts, opens eyes, changes circumstances, moves mountains, and most takes our relationship with God to new depths! At each gathering we make time to jot down prayer requests, pray for one another, and commit to praying throughout the week using the Inner Room app. Praying doesn't only change things, it changes us.

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