coming soon...
are you ready to become
a member at roots?
commitment. accountability. family.​
Becoming a member means that you’re committing to being an active part of the work that God is doing at Roots. It also means you're giving us the opportunity to commit to caring for you. Being a church member is one of the best ways you can put your gifts to work and make a difference here and in our community!

we only have a few simple requirements for membership:
You have entered into a saving relationship with Jesus (The most important thing!)
You have been baptized.
You have completed all four sessions of Next Steps.
You have grabbed a coffee with a church leader (We want to hear your story!)
are you ready to make the commitment?​
If you have met the first three requirements listed above and are ready to schedule your membership interview? Fill out the information below! We cannot wait to hear your story and commit to caring for you as your official church family.