next steps
Encounter Jesus. Grow with others. Discover your purpose. Make a difference.

Are you new?
Have you already planned your visit and checked out the church? Are you looking to learn more about roots and how to get connected? Next Steps is the place to start!
Next steps includes four short videos that will help you understand the mission, vision, and culture of our church. At the conclusion of the final video, we hope that you will have everything you need to take your next steps toward building lasting relationships at roots.
Mission &
Who are we? Where are we going? Why are we going there?
In this session, you’ll learn a little bit about the who, what, when, and why of roots church. You'll learn what it means to truly encounter Jesus, and where we believe God wants to take every believer on their own Discipleship Journey.
Grow with
Why is it so important to find community? What are the best ways to develop authentic relationships and grow with other believers?
In this session, you’ll learn about the importance of biblical community, why it's so integral to growth, and we’ll discuss different way you can get connected at roots.
Discover your Purpose
What did God design you to do? How do you fit in with this body of believers that we call a church family?
In this session, you’ll learn about the unique ways that God has wired you, and find some practical steps that you can take to put those gifts to use in both the church and the local community.